In the Schools of Arts & Sciences, Library & Information Science, Music, Nursing, Philosophy, and Theology & Religious Studies
Full-time, per semester $16,790
Part-time, per credit hour (undergraduate: fewer than 12 credits / graduate: fewer than 8 credits) $1,315
In the Schools of Architecture & Planning and Engineering
Full-time, per semester  $16,930
Part-time, per credit hour (undergraduate: fewer than 12 credits / graduate: fewer than 8 credits) $1,315
In the School of Canon Law
per credit hour  $1,315
In the School of Law
Full-time, per semester $19,920
Part-time, per credit hour (fewer than 12 credits) $1,445
In the Metropolitan School of Professional Studies
per credit hour $720
In the National Catholic School of Social Service
Full-time (graduate), per semester $10,570
Part-time (graduate), per credit hour (fewer than 8 credits) $820
Full-time (undergraduate), per semester $16,790
Part-time (undergraduate), per credit hour (fewer than 12 credits) $1,315
In Intensive English
all students regardless of credit hours $16,790
Off-Campus Programs
per credit hour  $845

Note: Information about programs with special rates may be obtained from the academic deans.


Activities Fees (rates set by student government)
Undergraduate, full-time, per semester $100
Undergraduate, part-time, per semester $50
Graduate, full-time and part-time, per semester $40
Student Record Fee (assessed in first semester only)
Undergraduate $425
Graduate  $425
Certificate programs $200
Law Student Fees (required of Law student - per year)
Day Division $85
Evening Division $80


Per semester (includes phone, TV hook up, laundry & internet services)

Room Deposits for continuing students $500
Conaty, Flather, Gibbons, Regan, Ryan, and Spelmman
Single $3,817
Single with bath $4,505
Double $3,535
Double with bath $4,171
Triple $3,288
Triple with bath $3,879
Quad $3,288
Quad with bath $3,879
Caldwell, Centennial Village, Curley Court, Seton
Apartment Double $4,587
Double $3,535
Double with bath $4,171
Single $3,817
Millennium Halls
Apartment Single $4,955
Apartment Double $4,587
Single Suite A $4,729
Single Suites B & C $4,505
Opus Hall
Suite Single $4,729
Suite Double $4,505

Not all room types are available in each hall. Refer to the residence hall description of room type for specific halls:

Additional per diem charges will be assessed to those graduate and law students who are approved to reside on campus outside of normal contract periods.


In University dining halls, per semester. 

Meal Plans
Anytime Platinum, per semester $2,599
Anytime Gold, per semester $2,499
Anytime Silver, per semester $2,399
Block 175 Plan, per semester $2,185
Block 100 Plan, per semester $1,371
Commuter Block 75 TBD
Commuter Block 50  TBD
Commuter Block 25  TBD


All Schools except Law $55
Re-Admission Fee $100
School of Law $65
School of Law: Application to Visit $25


Enrollment/Registration Deposit - New undergraduate resident students $500
Enrollment/Registration Deposit - New undergraduate commuter students $300
Enrollment/Registration Deposit - New graduate students $200
School of Law
First enrollment deposit $150
Second enrollment deposit $450
Deferred admissions $500
Transient fee $250
Auditing privilege fee $200


Diploma Replacement Fee $80
ID Card Replacement Fee $30
Returned Check Fee $65
Audit Status Fee 1 credit hour
Microfilming of Doctoral Thesis  $120
Microfilming of Masters' Thesis $50
Commuting Students, per year, surface $410
Commuting Students, per year, garage $490
Resident Students, per year, surface $465
Resident Students, per year, garage $540
Evening Only Students, per year, surface $235
Evening Only Students, per year, garage $265


Late registration Fee (for initial registration after the first day of the term) $75
Late Enrollment Fee (for initial registration after final drop/add) $500
Late/Incomplete Immunization Record Fee $100
Late Payment Fee (Based on amount owed - charged per month)
Less than $200.00 $0
$200.00 to $499.00 $20
$500.00 - $1,999.99 $50
$2,000.00 - $4,999.99 $150
$5,000.00 - $9,999.99 $250
$10,000.00 - $14,999.99 $300
$15,000.00 and above $350

Late Payment Fee Guidelines
All continuing students are expected to register and pay their tuition and fees for the fall term in full by August 1. Payments for the spring term are due by the Friday of the first full week in January.  Continuing students who do not pay their bills by these dates or who fail to make payment arrangements with the Office of Enrollment Services are subject to a late payment fee.

All new undergraduate students and all new graduate students are expected to register as soon as possible but no later than the last day of the add/drop period. If registration occurs after the end of the add/drop period, tuition payments are due at the time of registration. Students who do not pay their tuition bills at the time of registration or who fail to make arrangements with the Office of Enrollment Services are subject to a late payment fee. 

Late payment fees are assessed three times each term (October, November, and December in the fall and February, March, and April in the spring)


Malpractice Insurance for Professional Placement (Per Academic Year)
Basic level $60
Nurse practioner $140
Special Examination Fee (Non-refundable)
Oral examination $1,245
Comprehensive examination $1,245
Students in the School of Arts and Sciences
Language placement test fees $70
Modern language lab fee per course $40
Students in the School or Nursing
Challenge examination fee $90
Laboratory fee, per clinical semester $120
Nursing Certification examination preparation fee $120
Students in the School or Music
Music recital fees: graduate; DMA entrance piano; undergraduate; non-degree $60
Practice room, five hours per week, per semester
Grand piano, Schudi organ, Harpsichord $60
Upright piano, Organ $50
Music Instructions (lessons), required by curriculum - Music students and Arts and Sciences music majors
One credit, undergraduate (7 hours per semester) $140
One credit, graduate (5 hours per semester) $110
Two credits (9 hours per semester) $180
Three credits, undergraduate and graduate (14 hours per semester) $265
Music Instructions (lessons), elective credits for music majors
One credit, undergraduate $265
One credit, graduate $200
Three credits, undergraduate and graduate students $500
Music Instructions (lessons), elective credits for non-music majors
One credit, undergraduate (7 hours per semester) $490
Three credits, undergraduate (14 hours per semester) $945
Music locker rental, voluntary, per year
Large $14
Medium $12
Small $10
Instrument Locker $23
Key deposit, St. Vincent's Chapel/Harp. Room, per year $60