What is Cardinal Pay?
Cardinal Pay is the university's online portal for student account activity and online payments.
If you are looking to view student account activity, make a payment to a student account, or enroll in a paymetn plan, review the below information for instructions on how to access Cardinal Pay.
Students and their Authorized Users can utilize Cardinal Pay for the following:
- Viewing account activity
- Generating on-demand account statements
- Remitting online payments via e-check, credit, or debit card
- Note: online payment is not required. Information on additional payment options can be found on our Payment Options page.
- Enrolling the optional monthly payment plan
- Enrolling in direct deposit of student account refunds
- Refunds will go to the student with the exceptions of Parent PLUS refunds
- Accessing 1098-t forms.
Guest Payers can utilize Cardinal Pay for the following:
- Remitting online payments via e-check, credit, or debit card
- Note: online payment is not required. Information on additional payment options can be found on our Payment Options page.
To Access Cardinal Pay
All students and alumni since 2000 automatically have access to Cardinal Pay via the Student Account tile in Cardinal Students. (Access to Cardinal Students is not shut off after a student leaves the university.)
Students who wish to grant other individuals access to their account information (including notification of balances) must establish those individuals as Authorized Users in Cardinal Pay. Authorized Users will have with their own login name and password for the Cardinal Pay website. Instructions for setting up Authorized Users can be found here.
Individuals who wish to remit payments towards a students account but who have not been given Authorized User access as described above can do so as a Guest Payer.
Cardinal Pay can be accessed via the Student Account tile in Cardinal Students. This is the ONLY log in option for students and alumni.
To establish Authorized User access for other individuals, follow the instructions here.
Authorized Users
Cardinal Pay can be accessed at catholic.myflywire.com. This link is for Authorized Users ONLY; students/alums must access the system through Cardinal Students as noted above.
Authorized User access must be established/granted by following the instructions here.
Guest Payers
Individuals who have not been established as authorized users on a student's account may make payments by navigating to https://guestpay.catholic.edu/. To make a guest payment you must enter the student's first and last names and seven digit student identification number. You must obtain the ID number directly from the student. Enrollment Services is not able to provide guest payers student identification numbers. Guest Payers only have access to remit payments -- they will not have access to view student account information. If a Guest Payer needs to access student account information they should speak with the student about being set up with Authorized User access.