October 21, 2024

Course Roll process begins for Summer 2025.  Departments can begin submitting Course Roll Preferences form.  

November 1, 2024

Deadline to submit Course Roll Preferences form. 

November 8, 2024

Course Roll for Summer 2025 will be completed by this date.  (Departments who submit Course Roll Preferences form earlier than November 3 will have their courses rolled earlier.)

December 13, 2024

Priority Deadline to request additions/changes to Course Catalog.

Additions: Use Catalog Addition Request

Changes: Use Catalog Change Request

Priority Deadline to request additions to the Schedule of Classes.

Additions: Class Scheduling Request

Requests rreceived by this date will be visible to students when the schedule goes live in Cardinal Students on December 15th.

December 16, 2024

Schedule becomes visible to students in Cardinal Students

February 12, 2025

Deadline to request additions/changes to Course Catalog before bulk rooming.

Additions: Use Catalog Addition Request

Changes: Use Catalog Change Request

Deadline to request additions to the Schedule of Classes before bulk rooming.

Additions: Class Scheduling Request

Requests rreceived after this date will not be processed until after the bulk room assignment process is complete in late February.

February 13, 2025

Deadline for academic departments to make changes to the Schedule of Classes in Cardinal Students. Access will cut off at 11:59 pm for all fields except for instructors and consent.

After this date, requests for changes — except for those to instructors or consent — will need to be submitted using the appropriate class scheduling formsChanges will not be processed until after the bulk room assignment process is complete in late February.

February 14, 2025

Deadline to submit the following forms:

Bound Classes Request

Special Rooming Request

Deadline to request special software:

     email requests to: techsupport@cua.edu

February 17, 2025

Enrollment Services will begin the bulk room assignment process.  During this time, no changes can be made in Cardinal Students.  The process should conclude around the end of February.

Requests received after this date may not be processed until after the bulk room assignment process is complete in late February.

March 10, 2025

Departments should notify Enrollment Services of the location of all classes held off-campus, abroad, or in department-controlled space which do not already have locations noted in Cardinal Students.

March 17, 2025

Registration begins.

May 12, 2025

First day of summer sessions

August 16, 2025

Last day of summer sessions